It marveled me when people refused to speak the truth because they are afraid to be persecuted, rejected and to be called names. Refusing to speak the truth against evil deeds when you know the truth is preventing evil from been exposed.
You will see Pastors, Bishops, Pope, and in short Christians; refusing to speak the truth because they are afraid that people will say they are judging. Is this not ridiculous? How can we be afraid to speak the truth when we all know that evil can only be exposed by speaking the truth and doing the truth! For example, can lying expose lying? Can corruption expose corruption? No, evil can never expose evil. Evil cannot expose itself because evil is evil.
The Bible says evil must be exposed. Now that we are afraid to speak the truth when we know the truth, are we not preventing evil from been exposed? Yes, indeed we are preventing it from been exposed and this is a sin. JESUS was never afraid to speak the truth because HE knows perfectly that speaking the truth is exposing evil. JESUS was persecuted and killed because HE spoke the truth to the Pharisees and the Sadducees; and their evil deeds were exposed and they were so angry with HIM; and they persecuted HIM and killed HIM.
Look at when John the Baptist said to the Pharisees and the Sadducees who came to him to be baptized. He said to them directly, “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath of GOD to come? Bear fruits that befit repentance (Read Luke 3:7-8).” Again, he spoke about the evil deeds of King Herod for taking his brother wife; and he arrested him and put him in prison and killed him. In all these, did the Bible say JESUS and John the Baptist has made themselves Judges by telling the people the truth?
Let me tell you something which some have refused to understand because they love evil than good. JESUS said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the FATHER (GOD) except through Me.” Again the Bible says that the word of GOD is Spirit and Truth. It also says that GOD is True and called HIM a GOD of Truth. It is also written that in the beginning was the word; and the word was with GOD; and the word was GOD. Again, the Bible says that JESUS has been given authority and power to Judge the world. And JESUS said, “I and my word are one.” In other word, JESUS and the Truth are one. That is, JESUS is Truth.
Now, you can see and understand that JESUS has authority and power to Judge the world and HE is equal to HIS word and HIS word is equal to the Truth. That is, JESUS = HIS word in the Bible = Truth = Judge.
Whenever we speak the truth, it judges us because it is the Judge. When the Truth (JESUS) is spoken evil is judged and exposed. This is the reason why when we speak the truth or tell someone about the truth concerning an evil deed, he/she will say we are judging. Due to this, some of us are afraid to speak the truth because we are afraid that people will say we are judging them and they will call us Judges and various names. They will say that the Bible says that we should not judge one another. They are saying this because they do not understand the word of GOD; and the devil have made them not to understand so that evil will not be exposed and they will continue living in their evil ways of life.
Look at when the paralytic, who was lying on his bed; was brought to JESUS; and when JESUS saw their faith HE said to the paralytic, “Take heart, my son; your sins are forgiven.” And behold, some of the Scribes said to themselves, “This man is blaspheming.” They said this because they do not know the word of GOD. They do not know that JESUS is the LORD HIMSELF and HE has the power to forgive sin. This is also what is happening today. When we speak the truth concerning evil acts or deeds; people will also say that we are judging and we have made ourselves Judges. They are also saying this because they do not know the word of GOD just as the Scribes did with JESUS our LORD. They do not know that JESUS is the Judge and HE and HIS words are one. The word of GOD which is the truth is the Judge.
The Bible says that JESUS is the only Judge and the only one to judge the world (John 5:27). And again it says that JESUS is the Truth. So the truth which comes out from our mouths is the Judge because JESUS is the Truth and HE is the Judge.
Truth comes from no one else but from GOD and evil comes from no one else but from satan. So, know that whenever you speak the truth, that truth coming out from your mouth is not you but JESUS who is the Truth; and JESUS who is the Judge, judges us. The word of truth which we speak is Spirit and it judges us that is why when we speak the truth people who love evil will be angry with us and they will call us names and persecute us because the truth have judged their evil acts and exposed them. But those who do not love evil, when they hear the truth, it judges them and they change from their evil ways.
My dear parents, sisters, brothers and friends; do not allow the devil to prevent you from speaking the truth against evil acts like homosexuality, idol worship, fornication, abortion, adultery, lying, stealing, gossiping etc. Remember that satan knows the word of GOD well and he will tell you that the Bible says, “Judge not, that you may not be judged.” But tell him directly that JESUS is the Judge and the Truth you speak is JESUS; and it must be spoken.
We should never be afraid to speak the truth if we really love JESUS. JESUS is the Truth and the Truth must be spoken no matter the circumstances we find ourselves in. Also remember that when you speak the truth according to the word of GOD (the word of GOD is the truth), it is not you who speak, by the Spirit of GOD speaking through you. And as a Christian, the HOLY SPIRIT is in You. You are a Child of Truth, just live you. Act your true character which is Truth.
Thank you LORD JESUS for your word which is the truth and everything to us.
Blessed be your Holy name forever.