The word “thanks” is very powerful and many don’t know this. It is a stimulus that stimulates things to happen in our lives and around us. It is a simple word but very powerful and some don’t care about it. We should always appreciate and say thank you when somebody does something to us.
I tell you, look around you and you will see people who cannot talk, who cannot see, who cannot hear, who cannot walk, who cannot eat even though they have the money to buy food.
Again, you will see people who have never had peace in their lives, some who troubles has never left them, some who were born in war and live in war, others who were born and they died immediately etc but you are blessed. You can talk, you can see, you can hear, you can walk, you have your friends around you, your family is there for you, you eat everyday etc. Despite all these, some people cannot say thank you to others and above all to the ALMIGHTY GOD.
They do not appreciate what they have or what people have done for them; and they cannot say thank you GOD for all what You have done for me but they continue to complain that they do not have. I tell you, it is very important and necessary to appreciate what we have and also to appreciate the things people have done for us and the things around us; and say thank you GOD for all these. We should always thank those who are making us happy, those who are helping us, those who are there for us, those who comfort us etc. We should appreciate them and thank them for their deeds.
When you failed to appreciate what you have whether little or much, you are bringing trouble to yourself. Many people are refusing to appreciate the little they have so they continue to complain that they have little and they refused to give GOD thanks for the little they have. If you cannot appreciate the little you have and thank GOD for it, know that you will continue to have little and the little which you have will be taken away from you and given to those who appreciate what they have and thank GOD for it.
Again, if you appreciate what someone has done for you and thank the person; this motivates the person to do more for you because of your appreciation and thanks. If you cannot appreciate the little which you have, how can you expect our Heavenly Father to multiply the little
which you have? Our Heavenly Father will not do so and you will continue to have little as you live on earth.
For example:
look at when JESUS was with the four thousand men with His disciples and He had only seven loaves of bread and a few small fish to feed them all. JESUS took the loaves of bread and the few small fishes and gave thanks to GOD for providing them with it even though it was too small to feed them all. After thanking GOD, the seven loaves of bread and the few small fishes fed four thousand men and seven baskets of the remaining broken pieces were gathered (Matthew 15:32-38). Because JESUS appreciated the little bread and fish which He had and thank GOD for it; GOD multiplied it and it fed four thousand men and some was still remaining.
That was a great miracle which JESUS did and He did it to teach us how important it is for us to appreciate and thank GOD for what we have. If you appreciate the little which you have and give GOD thanks for providing it for you; GOD will multiply the little you have and give you more. Also, He will use the little you have to do miracles with it in your life just as He did with the four loaves of bread and the few small fishes.
Again, look at when JESUS went to raise Lazarus from dead. JESUS said “…Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me. I knew that thou hearest me always, but I have said this on account of the people standing by, that they may believe that thou didst sent me (John 11:41-42)”. After giving thanks to GOD, JESUS commanded Lazarus to come out from the tomb and he came out alive. JESUS did this to teach us and to show us that we should give GOD thanks always no matter what, and with GOD all things are possible. GOD is good all the time, no matter the situation we find ourselves in, HE is good.
For it is written, “Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the Will of GOD in CHRIST JESUS for you (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).” My dear friends, brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers; have you ever taken time to reflect on all what GOD has done for you and what He is still doing for you; and to give Him thanks for all what He has done for you and what He is still doing for you? Just the fact that you are alive today is worth everything to give GOD thanks and praises. So if you have not done so, it is time now for you to go and give GOD thanks. For you are alive today not because of anything you have done but because of His grace, mercy and love; you are alive today.
My dear, never you fail to appreciate and thank GOD for what you have whether little or much; and for what He has done for you. Before things happen in your life give GOD thanks and when it happens or it does not happen give GOD thanks. In short, in every situation in your life give GOD thanks. When you appreciate and thank GOD for all these, I tell you, He will change your situation positively. He knows what is good and best for you and He will never fail you. He will always give you the Best.
Always give thanks to the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY and praise Him. He has revealed to us the importance of giving thanks. GOD’S WORD is knowledge and today He is showing you one of the knowledge of life which has already been revealed to us in His Word but some refused to know and understand.
All Glory to GOD the ALMIGHTY for ever and ever in JESUS’ NAME. Amen!!!